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Décembre 17, 2021

Abbas Al-Nour’s Story

[et_pb_section fb_built= »1″ _builder_version= »3.22″ da_disable_devices= »off|off|off » global_colors_info= »{} » theme_builder_area= »post_content » da_is_popup= »off » da_exit_intent= »off »

Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

Gaza Winter Support

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Abbas Al-Nour is a father of five children living in Eastern Gaza. Abbas is a maintenance worker, which means inconsistent work. This leads to an unstable source of income and Abbas struggles to provide his family with the basic necessities.

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During the winter, this intensifies due to the lack of energy resources leaving the family with no heat or gas to cook food. Thanks to your donations, Abbas’s family was able to get clothes for his family to keep them warm and gas tanks so that they can make and warm food for their family.

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« This aid helped me during hard times and provide the needed items. We express our sincere thanks and gratitude to IDRF team. »


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