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novembre 10, 2022

Halima’s Story

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Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

IDRF Ramadan Food Aid

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Halima is a community leader in her village in Kenya. Water scarcity is one of the main problems for the people of her village. The harsh weather conditions and climate change has impacted access to resources and clean potable water. Halima highlighted that having access to a water well within the village will help decrease issues particularly affecting young women who often face difficulties when having to walk for long periods of time to fetch water. 

Your donations helped put Halima’s mind at ease by helping her village and her community. 

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I am personally grateful to all the donors and the implementing team for considering our area for this amazing water project since it will provide us with long-term solutions to clean and safe water challenges the community members have been facing for a long time.


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