Fidya is $15 for 1 missed fast
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What Is Fidya/Kaffara?
Both Fidya and Kaffara are two conciliatory forms of charity. They are donations given to the needy in lieu of fasting. These donations benefit members of the community who live in impoverished conditions.
Those who are unable to fast due to medical reasons or other valid reasons can either make up missed fasts later or provide food to those in need as compensation (fidya).
The Fidya payment for each missed fast (that cannot be made up later) is $15. To determine the total amount you need to pay, simply multiply $15 by the number of missed fasts.
Kaffara means to miss or intentionally break a fast without a valid reason.
If you miss or intentionally break a fast, you must fast continuously for 60 days as an act of atonement. If you are unable to do so, you must feed 60 impoverished individuals, with each meal costing approximately $15. This totals $900 per missed or intentionally broken fast.
To determine your total payment, multiply $900 by the number of fasts you have missed or broken intentionally.

Feed a family
this Ramadan
You can make a one-time donation or sign-up to become a monthly donor through one of the following options:
- Visa or Mastercard, using the secure online donation on this website
- Visa or Mastercard, by phoning IDRF toll free at 1-866-497-IDRF (i.e. 4373) or (416) 497-0818
- Cheque or money order, payable to “IDRF” and mailed to IDRF, 23 Lesmill Rd., Suite 300, North York, ON M3B 3P6, Canada
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