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janvier 12, 2022

Mohamed’s Story

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Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

Skill Development Program

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Mohamed Hamdan is a local 47-year-old father who owned a small clothing factory in Gaza. His factory supported him and 18 other employees. Mohamed’s factory was working very well for him and his small team of employees until it was destroyed in the Gaza attacks in May of 2021. His workshop and equipment were all destroyed forcing him and his employees to lose work for the next three and a half months.

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With the help of IDRF’s Rehabilitation of Damaged Small & Medium Enterprises program, Mohamed was able to regain 100% of his company’s production capacity by replacing damaged equipment and hiring back his full staff.

Thanks to your donations, we are able to help people like Mohamed and his workers to build a better life for themselves. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.

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