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juin 23, 2022

IDRF Announces Emergency Aid Campaign to Help Victims of Deadly Afghanistan Earthquake

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Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

Women in Tech

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Thousands killed and injured in Eastern Afghanistan by worst quake in decades

TORONTO, ON, CANADA, June 22, 2022 A powerful 5.9 magnitude earthquake today struck a mountainous region in Eastern Afghanistan killing at least 1,000 people and seriously injuring more than 1,500.

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Tremors from the earthquake were so strong that they were felt by an estimated 119 million people in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India up to 500 kilometres from the quake’s epicentre near the city of Khost in Afghanistan’s Paktika Province. More than 25 villages were completely or partially destroyed by the earthquake, including schools, mosques and homes. And due to the mountainous region of Paktika Province, further rockslides and landslides could cause additional injury and damage.

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« The earthquake, which took place during the night, left many families trapped in mud houses that had collapsed upon them. » said Nabil Ali, Director of Programs at IDRF. 



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To help alleviate the suffering, the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) has launched an Emergency Afghanistan Appeal. Funds raised through the Appeal will support recovery and relief efforts in the region, with the initial focus on helping first responders meet the immediate needs of survivors for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. Once initial relief work is deemed manageable, IDRF’s relief efforts will transition to longer-term recovery efforts with support from its local partners in Afghanistan.

Donations to support these efforts can be made at:, and tax receipts will be issued to donors.

“The earthquake, which took place during the night, left many families trapped in mud houses that had collapsed upon them,” said Nabil Ali, Director of Programs at IDRF. “Thousands of people are waiting to be rescued under the rubble, and it could take days for the necessary search and rescue equipment to reach everyone as there are no major roads in the region.”

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As IDRF has been operating aid programs in Afghanistan since 1985, it already has an existing network of local partners who can acquire and deliver much-needed emergency aid to those most in need.

“We believe organizations like our partners in Afghanistan are deeply rooted in local communities and are in the best position to quickly and efficiently deliver short and long-term support for disaster victims,” added Nabil. “Together, with support from our donors, we can help to eliminate the human suffering that is taking place right now in Eastern Afghanistan.”

About IDRF:
IDRF is a Canadian registered charitable organization dedicated to empowering disadvantaged people in Canada and around the world. Founded in 1984, IDRF has an enviable reputation as one of Canada’s best-run charities and has been recognized by third-party organizations such as the Financial Post and MoneySense for its effectiveness, efficiency, and results. Find out more about IDRF’s work in its Annual Report, and follow them on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Zeina Osman
+1 416-497-0818


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