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novembre 10, 2022

Tehmina’s Story

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Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

Girls Education in Pakistan

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Many students lack the confidence to ask questions during class and express themselves during their studies. Thirteen-year-old Tehmina Shafique is one of those students. She says, “I have always been a shy student and never had the courage to speak up during class and ask questions.”

IDRF’s education program in Pakistan takes regular government schools and enhances them by incorporating better facilities, curriculum, and resources. One of those programs supports the Fatima Jinnah School in Karachi, Pakistan. Tehmina enjoys attending school so much that she asked the school to extend classes into the summer!

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Reflecting on her time there, Tehmina said, “I found science very difficult, but by studying my favourite subject, philosophy, I now know how to ask questions that help with my understanding. I’m also much more confident when asking questions.”
Tehmina aspires to become a doctor, and with her newfound confidence, she can tenaciously tackle her future medical studies.


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