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juillet 12, 2023

IDRF’s CEO Mahmood Qasim Selected as « Top 10 Influential Canadian Professionals in 2023 » by Beyond Exclamation Magazine

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Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

Mahmood Qasim

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TORONTO, CANADA, July 12, 2023 — The International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) is extremely proud to announce that its CEO, Mahmood Qasim, has been selected as one of the “Top 10 Most Influential Canadian Professionals” for 2023, by Beyond Exclamation Magazine. Beyond Exclamation Magazine, is a well renowned publication that highlights inspiring success stories and recognizes exemplary professionals across various industries.

Mr. Qassim was recognized by Beyond Exclamation Magazine for his exceptional leadership, his visionary approach within the charity world, his unequivocal commitment to humanitarian work, his dedication to transforming lives and outstanding contributions to the field of international development.

Yasmeena Mohamed and Reza Rizvi, Co-Chairs of IDRF’s Board of Directors, expressed their elation at Mr. Qasim’s selection and strongly believe that this distinguished accolade by the Beyond Exclamation Magazine is well deserved, as Mr. Qasim has always demonstrated an unwavering passion for sustainable development. His tireless efforts in addressing global challenges have made a profound impact on communities around the world.

In addition, the selection of Mr. Qasim as one of the Top 10 Most influential Canadian Professional serves as inspiration not only to IDRF, but also to the wider community of organizations and individuals striving for positive change. We hope that Mr. Qasim’s recognition mobilizes and fosters new resources and partnerships, and it renews local and global efforts on addressing issues of poverty, sustainable development, and humanitarian assistance.

Those interested in reading the digital print of Beyond Exclamation’s Top 10 Most Influential Canadians can visit

Zeina Osman
International Development and Relief Foundation


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