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novembre 28, 2023

Sabrina Abdi Mohamed’ Story

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Aisha Yatiman

5 Mins read

Licenced to learn

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Sabrina Abdi Mohamed tragically lost her husband during the civil war, leaving her to fend for her children without a penny to her name. Many nights, they would go to bed with empty stomachs, not knowing where their next meal would come from.


With the help of IDRF’s famine relief efforts, Sabrina is now self-sufficient, and can rest assured knowing that her children will be well fed.


— Sabrina Abdi Mohamed, Beladweny-Hiiran Region, Somalia


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Being selected as one of the beneficiaries in this project is a great blessing to me. With all the equipment, tools, seed grains and skills, I feel fully empowered to raise my children and provide for them.


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