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Décembre 17, 2024

Aleem’s Story

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Anuja Bhatt

5 Mins read

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“Thanks to the fresh vegetables we received, I was able to prepare nutritious meals for my family. But we must continue providing for other families across Gaza so that they can receive the nutrition they need.”

In Gaza, Aleem was the sole provider for his family of six, including two young children. The crisis forced them to flee their home, leaving behind all their belongings and their source of income. Struggling to secure essentials like food, they heavily relied on aid, which mostly consisted of canned goods. Fresh food and vegetables became a luxury beyond their reach.

However, with the support of IDRF’s fresh food and vegetable distribution initiative, Aleem’s family received a variety of fresh produce, significantly improving their diet. Aleem emphasizes the importance of these vegetable baskets in maintaining a nutritious diet for his family, especially for his young children.

With thousands of families facing starvation in Gaza, your continued support is crucial. It means the world to families like Aleem’s, ensuring they receive the nutrition they desperately need.


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