Donate for Children’s Mental Health Awareness

About 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth. That’s why early identification and intervention is so critical and can lead to improved achievement in school and better health outcomes in life.

    Education for Children in Gaza

    IDRF has been working with children in Gaza to provide 7,600 children and youth with the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of structured educational programming at the Child Center in Gaza. Your donations will be supporting vulnerable children in Gaza who lack basic accessibilities to quality education in a safe, child-friendly environment.

    Counseling Services for Indigenous children in Canada

    IDRF is also partnering with the Indian Residential School Survivors Society. The IRSSS is an organization that focuses on providing legal and counselling support for Residential School Survivors. In more recent years, their work has expanded to include assisting the descendants of Survivors and implementing Community education measures (Indigenous & Non-Indigenous). Your donations will be supporting Survivors with counselling, court support, information, referrals, workshops, and more.