Afghanistan Flood Relief

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Your $100 donation can provide one emergency kit

Afghanistan Flood Relief

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Your $100 donation can provide one emergency kit

Severe flash floods in Afghanistan have taken over 300 lives in Afghanistan, destroying over 1000 homes.

This catastrophic event has prompted a state of emergency, as survivors and rescue teams navigate through severely damaged villages and agricultural areas. Over 1600 have been injured, and many are still missing.

Afghanistan has reeling from a string of climate disasters — these flash floods were preceded by devastating earthquakes, mere months before.

With over 1000 homes destroyed, and farmlands submerged, thousands of families have been displaced, with no food, no water, no shelter.

How is IDRF helping?

IDRF is urgently deploying resources to provide:

Temporary Shelters
Hot Meals
Hygiene Kits

The situation remains dire, with essential access routes cut off and thousands of homes destroyed or damaged, particularly in the northern Baghlan province. The scale of destruction and the ongoing risks underscore the critical need for immediate support and solidarity. Your help is crucial in providing immediate relief, and beginning the long recovery process for those affected by the floods.


Emergency Kits

Provide life-saving emergency relief efforts


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Afghanistan Flood Relief

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