Respiratory Therapy Training for Nurses in Yemen

Respiratory Therapy Training for
Nurses in Yemen

The Situation

While humanitarian needs are high across all sectors, the health sector has been particularly impacted this year through the novel coronavirus and its impact on an already fragile and ill-equipped healthcare system. Nearly 18 million people in Yemen require medical aid; this affecting roughly 60% of the total population in Yemen.

As of May 27th, 2020, COVID-19 has been spreading rapidly across Yemen. Healthcare facilities, already overburdened and widely ill-equipped have been forced to turn patients away as many health care facilities are unable to manage rapidly rising patient numbers. 

How IDRF is helping

IDRF is responding to critical shortages in trained Respiratory Therapist nurses in Yemen through the implementation of a 4-month Respiratory Therapist training program in Mukalla City. This program will provide 30 male and female nurses with specialized training approved by the Ministry of Health in Yemen. Upon successful completion of the training program, the nurses will be certified by the Ministry of Health in Yemen and can be recruited as Certified Respiratory Therapists by local healthcare institutions in Mukalla City located in the Hadramout Governorate.

Donate to support these nurses to complete their training

The Impact

nurses will be trained to address critical Respiratory Therapist shortages in the ICUs in Yemen.

Through future project development, an additional 30 nurses will be trained as respiratory therapists in the 2nd phase of the project in 2021. Additionally, another 30 nurses will be trained in the 3rd phase of the project on a specialized form of emergency health care.